Wikiekspedycja Opolska 2016

Wikiexpedition 2016 is a photographic event that should take 1 full week (21st to 30th October 2016). The idea is to take pictures of Polish and Czech villages and towns that are not yet documented for Wikimedia Commons.

Opis projektu

  1. The goal of this project is to provide photographic documentation (ie. pictures) of towns and villages in Poland in the area Bogumin-Rybnik-Gliwice-Opole-Nysa-Czech Border. Only those that were not photographed yet will be documented.
  2. Each day of the project the photographic team will document the objects mentioned above. On average 20-30 villages daily should be photographed.
  3. Juandev (driver and photographer), Aktron (photographer) will take care of the project. 2 more polish photographers should join!
  4. The usage for Wikimedia projects is given by the fact that new pictures of Polish countryside will be provided.
  5. The general metric is to have at least 120* villages documented and 1500* pictures for Commons uploaded.


  • Gas - 560 PLN (115+40) per day, times 5 (5 areas on Polish territory). 0,72 PLN per km is used as a conversion rate. The rest will be funded by WMCZ.
  • Acommodation 1080 PLN (60 PLN per person/night, 4 participants, 4 nights). Note: 4 nights will be spent on Czech territory. These will be funded by the FČO/Mediagrant of WMCZ. The 1080 PLN is the maximum sum in correspondance with WMPL regulations; the actual price will be lower due to available prices that will be lower in October than in summer season.
  • Food - 480 PLN (30 PLN times 4 days time 4 participants).

Estimated total: 2120 PLN

See also: ...actual spending.

Wikiexpedition plan.
The Wikiexpedition plan updated with info about photographed/not photographed settlements.
An example route. 33 villages per day = 114 km driven in an ideal situation.
1st 4 days of the Wikiexpedition (roughly the travelled routes).
2nd 4 days of the Wikiexpedition.
  • The area for this wikiexpedition is not limited to the territory of Poland. The planned event should also document villages and towns in the Czech Republic, in the area Jeseník-Rýmařov-Moravský Beroun-Fulnek-Ostrava-Bohumín-Polish border. For the Czech part of the expedition travel costs will be covered by the WMCZ FČO program.
  • The area is separated to further smaller areas with a simple approach 1 area per day to be photographed (see pic).

Progress list


This is the currently updated list of photographed places:

Day 0 (22nd October)

  • They way from Prague to Opava
  • Opava at night (from a tripod)

Day 1 (23rd October)


Total: 14

Non-villages objects: Štítna bunker (commons:Category:OP-S 6 Na zbytkovém casemate), Háj ve Slezsku lookout place (Ostrá Hůrka (317 m) (commons:Category:Ostrá hůrka (315 m)), Ostrá Hůrka Memmorial (commons:Category:Památník odboje slezského lidu), Jezero u Dolního Benešova, Hrabyně WWII monument, Dolní Nový Dvůr windmill + lookout tower, Odra Valley.

Note: Due to organizational failures the progress and pace of the 1st day was rather low, yet we have made a significant amount of valuable pictures in the area between Opava and Hranice towns.

Day 2 (24th October)


Total: 27

Non-village objects: Slezská Harta dam, Lípa v Dalově (famous tree),

Day 3 (25th October)

  • Oborná
  • Milotice nad Opavou
  • Luhy (Horní Benešov)
  • Horní Životice
  • Sosnová (okres Opava) commons:Sosnová (Opava District)
  • Lichnov (okres Bruntál) commons:Lichnov (Bruntál District)
  • Dubnice (Lichnov)
  • Býkov (Býkov-Láryšov)
  • Láryšov
  • Brantice
  • Radim (Brantice)
  • Krásné Loučky
  • Čaková
  • Kunov
  • Skrbovice
  • Dětřichovice
  • Široká Niva
  • Krasov
  • Pocheň (Široká Niva)
  • Nové Purkartice - katastrální území
  • Zadní Ves
  • Staré Purkartice
  • Křížová (Hošťálkovy)
  • Vraclávek
  • Hošťálkovy
  • Krásné Loučky
  • Linhartovy
  • Opavice (Město Albrechtice)

Total: 28

Non-village objects: Views of Hrubý Jeseník from Stará Niva hills, couple of train stations on the train track no. 313 (Vrbno pod Pradědem-Milotice n/O.), Dub v Čakové (famous tree).

Day 4 (26th October)

  1. Total cs: 26
  2. Total pl: 7
  3. Grand total: 33

Day 5 (27th October)


Total: 26

Non-village objects: w:pl:Nadleśnictwo Kędzierzyn (commons:Category:Forest District Kędzierzyn), Były obóz koncentracyjny Sławęcice (=w:en:Blechhammer, commons:Category:Labor camp Blechhammer).

Day 6 (28th October)


Total: 22(3)

Non-village objects: Markowice train station (commons:Category:Racibórz Markowice train station).

Day 7 (29th October)


Total: 28

Non-village objects: Rudy narrow-gauge railway museum (commons:category:Rudy Railway Museum), Łubowice mansion (?), Modzurów mansion (commons:Category:Palace in Modzurów), w:pl:Pałac w Czerwięcicach (commons:Category:Palace in Czerwięcice), Palac w Rudniku (commons:Category:Palace in Rudnik), Pałac w Sławikowie (commons:Category:Palace in Sławików).

Day 8 (30th October)


Total: 8

Note: this was the last day and we spend half of the day to go back to our homes.